We'd Like to Thank our Sponsors, it was a wonderful day filled with great fun and big laughs, and a giant success in raising over $5,000!
Debbie Wilson
Pardee Excavating
The Baxter Kids
Pilgeram Ranch
Hagedorn Land Surveying
Kettlehouse Brewing
MontanaFancy Indoor Outfitters
Angelo and Sabre Alderete
Clark Fork Valley Elks Lodge
Bernie's Auto
Sweet Design Salon
Cheers to Painting
First Security Bank
Sanders County Ledger
Buck's Grocery
Harvester Logging
Kate Baxter
Taylor Services
Sorlie Septic Services
Skip and Susie Baxter
The Frisbie Morbella Foundation
The Bedroom Goldmine Bar
Ace Hardware
Doug's True Value
Fernandez Wallcovering and Paint
Harvester Logging
Sanders County Ledger ​​
Doug's True Value
Ace Hardware
Big Eddy's Deck Bar
The Wild Coyote
First Security Bank
Edward Jones Financial
D.A. Davidson
Clark Fork Valley Elks Lodge 2757
Friend's of Scotchman's Peaks
Montana GEAR UP
The Frisbee Morbella Foundation
Willow's Bend Trading Post
Montana Fancy Indoor Outfitters
Elliot Realty
Fernandez Wallcovering and Paint
Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group
Kaniksu Land Trust
The Black Bear Inn
Teresa Bishop
Alan and Sandee Christensen
Amy and Carlos Fernandez
Dan and Diane Mathis
George and Lehua Miliken
Mark and Dianne Hedahl
Alan Johns
Jan Fulcher
Marti Fernandez-Peralta
Mandi Jean
Matthew and Danice Toyias
Jeanox Burke
Ryan and Jen Kreiner
Elizabeth Jesse Haagenson
Jeffreyanne Parker-VonHeeder
Katy Boutin
Holly Franck
Trenna Loomis Ferris
Jason McKittrick
Melanie Burner
Blake and Avery Boone
Sarah Naegeli
Will Stringfellow
Tom and Nancy Oar
Debbie Wilson
Roland and Elaine Goertzen
Chad and Leanna Pardee
Misty Danielson
Kristiny Preston Lorett
Theresa Christainsen
Tina and Jeff Wheeler
Keith Ballenger
Tammy Connor
Zach Fisher
Roxanne Lee
Louie Hermiller
Sally Mickel
James JJ Blood
Don and Jan Manning
Barb Nomandin
Jodie Isakson Bittinger
Pat Pyle
Judy Norman Haines
Arthur Potts
Erin Olsen
Brita Olson
Sam Fernandez
Susan and Roland Sweatman
2023 Sponsors and Donors
Check out our current year's event sponsors and donors to our annual fundraising efforts below. Thank you to all who contributed this year so far!

Cornhole Festival Fundraiser and Silent Auction 2023 Contributors
Cast Away Charters

Winter Carnival 2023 Sponsors
Thompson River Lumber
Specialized Cleaning Services
Riverfront Motel and Cabins
Elliott Realty

From everyone here at Project ASCENT we want to send a big Thank You to everyone who contributed and attended our very first fundraiser:
It was a great hit and we raiser over $13,000! This allowed us to purchase nearly all the equipment we needed!
Missoula Children's Theatre
Triple Play Resort
Silverwood Theme Park
Seattle Seahawks
Dennis Koker
Oriental Trading Compnay
Gourmet Gift Baskets
Annie Wooden
Thompson Falls Napa
Plains Napa
Montana Silversmiths
Sweet Peaks
River's Bend Golf Course
Mangy Moose Plains
Town Pump Thompson Falls
Montana Shirt Co.
Bear Muscle Fitness
Healthy Renewal Spa
The Montana Woodwright
Cody and Anita Brown
Charles Fulcher
Blue Ribbon Montana
Studio 376
Blackfoot Telecommunications
Whistle Creek Pottery
Karl Tyler Chevrolet Missoula
Andrea Fernandez
Rob Christensen
Ron Hawkinson
Legend Stone
Gary Mackey
Bob and Peg Conklin
Blair Brooks
Marshanna Padgett
Don Manning
Nancy Gressang
Rick and Robin Hagedorn
Jeff Dugas
Chad Pardee
Lisa and Jake Mickelson
Joan Moore
Bob Croft
Harvest Foods
Sarah Naegeli
Limberlost Brewing
Mike Miller
First Security Bank
Susan Jacobson
Big Horn Outdoor Specialists
Thompson Falls High School Shop Class
Montana Fancy
Sweet Design Salon
Angelo Alderete
Sandee and Alan Christensen
Amy and Carlos Fernandez
Sam Helvey
Hilead Saloon
Eve Stuckey
Nancy Andersonk Designs
Kathy and Joe Altman
Clark Fork Valley Elks Lodge
Diane Hannah
Ron Clark
Cleo Althaus
Bernie's Auto
Glass Doctor Missoula
Dan Mathis
Doug Padden
Drew Stobie
Kate Baxter
Victoria Forkin
Rebecca Turnman
Emmalie Gavlack
Hank Smith
Todd and Koko
Debbie and Eric Wilson
Teresa Bishop
Karen Sheets
Ginger Ward
Sarah Fairbank
Kate and Zach Whipple-Kilmer